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2021 Newsletter
February 2021
Greetings from Sojourner Farm,
We feel blessed and quite fortunate that, despite having had to remain relatively socially isolated, we have had the farm to keep us both physically/mentally occupied and in good health over the past year. We've admired the winter splendor and have enjoyed being home on the farm for the holidays. But we are now most definitely looking forward to spring weather and the seasonal rebirth of farm life.
We were hopeful that our travel plans for the latter half of 2021 would be more predictable and closer to a resumption of "normality" but at this time, it appears that last summer's uncertainty may be with us for at least one more growing season.
One positive effect from the Covid 19-induced uncertainty of the past year is the increased demand for locally produced food products. However, along with that demand came an unanticipated livestock processing "bottleneck". As it stands at this time, due to processing constraints, we will only be doing one large batch of broilers this summer (which we were able to schedule for processing on Wednesday June 23). We will be raising pastured beef again this year but, thus far have only bee able to reserved a limited number of processing slots, so we expect to sell out of both Chickens and Beef; please get your orders in ASAP.
We genuinely appreciate your past and continued support and look forward to seeing you again this summer. We wish all of you a belated Happy New Year and continued good health.
Pierre and Lesa
P.S. As in the past, we love to have people visit the farm for pasture walks during the summer, but due to current social distancing restrictions, please call ahead if you wish to tour the farm with your family.